description here
Your child should be able to ...
Recognize and name basic shapes: square, circle, triangle, and rectangle
Recognize and name numbers 1-10, even when they are out of order
Count to 20
Count 10 objects, pointing to each one as she counts.
Say or sing the alphabet
Recognize the letters of the alphabet: uppercase and lowercase
Identify the colors in an 8-ct crayon pack
Recognize and write their first name
Hold a book and turn pages
Use scissors and glue sticks correctly
Know that adding means giving more and subraction means taking away
Tip: Use the words add and subract regularly in your daily routines. Practice adding & subtracting in everyday tasks.
Bilingual: The Sounds of the vowels and consonants
Spanish: Mono Sílabo -- For More Videos Search Mono Sílabo in YouTube
Spanish: Luna Creciente -- For More Videos Search Luna Creciente in YouTube
Spanish: Sonidos Iniciales
Best Books for
3-5 Year Olds
Chicka Chicka ...
Boom Boom
Llama Llama ...
Red Pajama
Mad at Mama
Loves to Read
Time to Share
Many more in the series
Goodnight Moon
Pete the Cat series
Dragons Love Tacos
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Vamos! Lets Go to the Market
Dragones Y Tacos
My Friends/ Mis Amigos
Como dan las buenas noches los dinosaurios
De como Tia Lola vino
Jorge el curioso
La Paloma Encuentra un Perro Caliente
El Conejito Knuffle
Read all of the above books on SORA
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